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711 Muscatel Ave.
Carlsbad, NM 88220
Parking now available on the East
or West Side of the river.

Heading 1
62/180 from Hobbs, Lubbock, Midland
Follow 62/180 into Carlsbad. Turn right (north) onto Muscatel Ave. at the Bureau of Land Management office, follow signs about ½ mile until you see the Christmas on the Pecos signs on the left.
62/180 from El Paso, Las Cruces
Follow 62/180 into Carlsbad. Turn right (east) onto 62/180 (Greene Street). Cross the bridge, turn left (north) onto Muscatel Ave. at the Bureau of Land Management office, follow signs about ½ mile until you see the Christmas on the Pecos signs on the left.
285 from Pecos
Follow 285 into Carlsbad. Turn right (east) onto 62/180 (Greene Street). Cross the bridge, turn left (north) onto Muscatel Ave. at the Bureau of Land Management office, follow signs about ½ mile until you see the Christmas on the Pecos signs on the left.
285 from Artesia, Roswell, Albuquerque
Follow 285 into Carlsbad. Turn left (east) onto 62/180 (Greene Street). Cross the bridge, turn left (north) onto Muscatel Ave. at the Bureau of Land Management office, follow signs about ½ mile until you see the Christmas on the Pecos signs on the left
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